74 Recon's

 "Beggar in the Market" #6502
and Geography
of a Nation
At War

Not every G.I. in Vietnam ate C-rations or was lucky enough to have a mess hall. Some of us were given extra pay,  and told to go live "on the economy"! Life on the local economy in Vietnam was an experience quite different than what we were used to back home in the United States. "Shopping" in the market square was a daily duty as there was no electricity or refrigeration to keep meat, or fish,  fresh (or to keep the beer cold)! Always comparing to our lifestyle in the U.S.,  it was easy to have compassion for the Vietnamese people and their primitive lifestyle.
"We never knew who the enemy really was."

Beggar in the Market

Humanity and Geography of a Nation at War

This Website is Dedicated to all Vietnam Veterans


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